Thursday, August 19, 2010


Hi Sweet Friends---

It means so much to me that you are following my blog.  I'm sorry to say that after only one day the blog is moving!  I hope you will move with it.  :-) 

I now have a website!  (  If you visit the site and click on the word "Blog" on the homepage, it will take you to my blog.  There will be a box on the right of the screen to type in your email address as a follower.  It will send an email to you and you can confirm that you want to follow this blog by clicking the link in the email. 

Again, I am sorry for the trouble.  However, I feel this will be a much better and easier way to proceed. 


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

...and I entered the world of blogging...

If you are reading this, I guess you might consider following my blog. Thanks! I feel uniquely blessed with a life full of interesting people and amazing experiences. A blog seems like a good place to share my stories as well as follow the stories of other people.
I was born and raised in Alabama. Yes, I am a southern girl to the core. I graduated from the University of Alabama. (Roll Tide) I don't typically meet a stranger. I'm a fan of long walks on the beach, yellow tulips, movie nights, good music, sports, meat and three's, authentic worship, acceptance, long conversations, random acts of kindness, spa days, road trips, and PEOPLE. As a matter of fact, I feel like I have spent my entire life collecting relationships with fascinating people. There are many, many people who have helped shape who I am and what I value.
With that in mind, I am inviting you on a journey with me over the next 52 weeks. I have made a list of 52 people/families who have served as change agents in the story of my life. Although many more people could be added, these are the people whom I feel compelled to write about. So each week, I am going to add a blog post about each person(s) on my list. As I tell the stories of other people, I will actually be telling the story of myself.
While looking over "the list", I was struck by the fact that these people are all VERY different. They are black and white, gay and straight, liberal and conservative, old and young and Christian and non-Christian. What does that say about me? I hope it says that I find value in all people---those who think like me, and those who don't.
Warning: If I know you, you might be on the list. So, you probably want to stay tuned!